Hello, I am Becky!

Hello everyone! I am a passionate digital content creator who enjoys nothing more than writing and creating new content. Join me as we explore ancient history, biographies of Nigerians, and everything else there is to know about this fascinating nation.

As a writer, I've always been fascinated by Nigeria's centuries-old rich cultural heritage. From the ancient kingdoms of Ife and Oyo to the contemporary cities of Lagos and Abuja, Nigeria has a rich and complex history waiting to be discovered.

Through my blog, I want to reveal some of the stories and figures that have shaped this country and share my insatiable passion for Nigerian history. So much can be learned from the life of Mary Slessor, who devoted her life to missionary work among the people of Nigeria, to the legendary Afrobeat musician Fela Kuti, who used his music to combat corruption and injustice.

In addition to sharing my passion for Nigerian history, I aim to provide valuable insights into contemporary Nigeria by highlighting the most recent trends, innovations, and events throughout the nation. Everyone can find something of interest.

Together, let's investigate the beauty and wealth of this fascinating country!

Twenty years from now you will be more disappointed by the things that you didn’t do than by the ones you did do.

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